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Stages 2020 per gli Studenti del secondo anno della Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale

Stages for the second year students of the School of Aerospace Engineering

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UPDATE: March 3rd, 2020


Stages for the students of the School of Aerospace Engineering

The curriculum for students enrolled since academic year 2018/19 includes 6 credits for stages, to be collected during the second year. These 6 credits are approximately equal to 150 hours of activities. Students are responsible to fulfil such a mandatory activity, and the easiest way is to choose among the wide offer proposed by the School and listed in this catalogue.

Students are suggested to consider stages whether they are close to end their regular courses or – always during the second year – they do have spare time available from mandatory or elective courses. Students are requested to inform by mail the instructor responsible for stage activities (currently prof. G.Palmerini, about their preferences (no more than 4) and their current advances in curriculum (passed and missing exams, with a scan or pdf of their INFOSTUD page). Students who already agreed a stage activity (either included or not in the following list) with a professor of the School should follow the same process, clearly indicating in the e-mail that they already got their activity assigned (please detail the activity and relevant tutor, no preferences in this case) [...]

Section I.  Stages offered at the School Labs, via Salaria 831, Rome

Stages are listed according to each Lab’s offer

The number of positions is provided as a general indication only. More positions could be available on the specific topic, depending on the choices of the professor responsible for the lab.

Additional options could be offered by some Labs, to be proposed according to students’ skills and preferences (contact the relevant professor)


AEROSPOWER Lab (prof. L. Schirone)

  1. Modeling of a power distribution unit

1 position: Matlab or Simulink coding

  1. Modeling locomotion solution for planetary rovers

1 position: Matlab or Simulink coding

  1. Modeling Solar Panels : flexible 1-D, flexible 2-D, retractable, lightweight

              1 position: Matlab or Simulink coding

  1. Modeling Primary Generation System for satllites, n-wheels rover, spheric rover

1 position: Matlab or Simulink coding

  1. Modeling Energy storage system

1 position: Matlab or Simulink coding



Automation, Robotics and Control for Aerospace – ARCA (prof. F. Curti)

  1. Design & implementation of a slip control algorithm for a rover in a simulated lunar surface.

              1 position: Matlab coding, interest to work on experimental set up

  1. Design & implementation of proximity maneuvers using the robot simulator MONSTER

              1 position: Matlab coding,  interest to work on experimental set up

  1. Experimental set-up for an attitude control subsystem

              2 positions: Matlab coding, interest to work on experimental set up

  1. Preliminary design of attitude determination and control architecture for SiaSat

1 positions: Matlab coding

  1. Development of the attitude determination and control software simulator for SiaSat

2 positions: Matlab/Simulink coding



Earth Observation Lab – EOSIAL (prof. G. Laneve)

  1. Cloud mask on Sentinel-2 images

1 position: Matlab coding capability

  1.  Shadow mask taking into account topography and clouds on Sentinel-2 or Landsat 8  images

2 positions: Matlab coding capability

  1. Identify stable reflectors for the Sardinia region

1 position: Matlab coding capability

  1. Developing and test a Vegetation Water Index based on Sentinel 2 images

1 position: Matlab coding capability, SNAP software package knowledge

  1. Test burned area indices (NBR = Normalized Burn Ratio, BAI = Burned Area Index) on an area of interest

1 position: Matlab coding capability

  1. Estimate Land Surface Temperatures by using MSG/SEVIRI images

1 position: Matlab coding capability

  1. Compare crop growth using vegetation Index based on Sentinel 2 imagery

2 positions: Matlab coding capability

  1. Compute vegetation fuel map by using Sentinel2 imagery, phytoclimatic data for Sardinia or Calabria region

2 positions: Matlab coding capability

  1. Implement a soil erosion susceptibility method exploiting Earth Observation satellite images

1 position: Matlab coding capability


Nanosatellite Electronics Lab (prof. A. Nascetti)

  1. On-Board Computer (OBC): firmware design

1 position. Prerequisites: microcontrollers (basic knowledge), C-language programming

  1. OBC: development of self-test and calibration routines

2 positions. Prerequisites: microcontrollers (basic knowledge), C-language programming

  1. OBC: development of main operation routines (TT&C, Logging, …)

2 positions. Prerequisites: microcontrollers (basic knowledge), C-language programming

  1. Development of Graphical User Interface for OBC test

            1 position. Prerequisites: Matlab or Java programming

  1. Setup of Flatbed Satellite

            1 position. Prerequisites: electronics (basic), Word or Latex (for documentation)

  1. Hardware In the Loop (HIL) Setup for Flatbed Satellite

            1 position. Prerequisites: FPGA (basic knowledge), Simulink

  1. HIL sensitivity analysis

            1 position. Prerequisites: FPGA (basic knowledge), Simulink




Flight Mechanics Laboratory (prof. P. Teofilatto)

  1. Mission analysis of the SiaSat

2 positions: Matlab coding capability

  1. Analysis of interplanetary cubesat mission to Mars with ballistic capture

1 position: Matlab coding capability

  1. Test bed development for the centre of mass and inertial moments experimental determination of 3U cubesat

1 position: capability to work on experimental set up

  1. Review about the use of the cubesat standard for missions involving microsatellites of mass in the range 10 to 30 kg

1 position: capability in collecting and analysing the data

  1. Use of CnC machine and 3D printer for the production of structural components of use of the Flight Mechanic Lab

1 position: capability in using CnC and 3D printer

  1. Project of a small scaled gyroplane having deployable blades and trajectory guidance in view of a possible prototype

1 position: aeronautical knowledge


Guidance and Navigation Lab (prof. G.B. Palmerini)

  1. Experiments with Arduino boards exploiting INS/GPS

1 position: interest to work with Arduino microcontroller

  1. Understanding Pulsar-based Navigation

1 position: In-depth study of PulsarNav technique, Matlab coding capability

  1. Real Time Control Capabilities

1 position: Matlab coding capability / Unix-Linux knowledge / microcontroller experience

  1. Formation Flying Simulations

1 position: Matlab coding capability

  1. Setup/rehearsal  of a small rover mockup

1 position: Matlab coding capability, interest to work on experimental set up

  1. Setup/rehearsal  of a testbed to reproduce S/C proximity navigation

1 position: Matlab coding capability, interest to work on experimental set up

  1. Analysis and experiments of the Optical Flow technique for image-based navigation

1 position: Matlab coding capability, interest to work on experimental set up

  1. Experiments with GPS receivers

2 positions: Matlab coding capability, interest to work on experimental set up


Propulsion Laboratory (prof. A. Ingenito)

PL1. Experiments for hybrid rocket engines

  1. position: to work on experimental set up

PL2. Project of a GIE for LEO

  1. position: Matlab coding capability, SolidWork

PL3. Numerical Simulations of Hybrid Rocket Engines

1  position: knowledge of Ansys


Telecommunications and Ground Station (prof. A. Nascetti)

  1. Forward Error Correction with HIL

1 position. Prerequisites: Telecommunications (basic knowledge), Simulink

  1. Setup of Ground Station based on Software Defined Radio (SDR)

2 positions (also in team). Prerequisites: Telecommunications (basic knowledge), Matlab/Simulink/Java

  1. Setup of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) simulation environment (Simulink)

1 position. Prerequisites: Telecommunications (basic knowledge), RF, Simulink

  1. Setup of Wireless connection system for flatbed satellite

1 position. Prerequisites: Telecommunications and microcontrollers (basic knowledge), C-programming



Section II.  Stages offered in external Labs / Industrial firms in Rome area


AVIO-ELV (Colleferro, outside Rome)

  1. Technical Activities in Launcher’s Engineering

2 positions: selection on the basis of an interview


Thales Alenia Space Italia (via Saccomuro and via Tiburtina, outside GRA, Rome)

  1. Activities in the Observation, Exploration and Navigation Areas

1 position: selection on the basis of an interview



IONVAC PROCESS srl (Viale Anchise 24, 00071, Pomezia, Roma)

ION1.  Sizing and design of a hybrid rocket

1 position: knowledge of SolidWorks/Autocad/Catia,  Matlab coding and ANSYS/FLUENT 

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