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Final exam

The final exam consists in defending an experimental or theoretical thesis. The thesis is executed under the supervision of an instructor of the Special Master program, possibly in collaboration with research centers and industries.
Passing the final exam corresponds to earning 24 credits.
Only students that have completed their entire coursework can take the final exam.

The Jury for the final exam is composed by professors and experts of the aerospace engineering disciplines.

The final mark, traditionally expressed in fractions of 110, is computed starting from the weighted average of all the exams (weights are given by the credits associated to each course) to be multiplied times 3/11. Additional marks, typically in the range from 0 to 6, are assigned by the Jury evaluating the quality of the dissertation and its presentation by the student. Honors can be added to the maximum mark of 110/110 in case all Jury’s members agree about.

Graduation dates are distributed all along the year, with the following approximate sequence:

January (2nd half of the month), March (2nd half of the month), mid June, mid July, October (2nd half of the month), mid December. The exact schedule will be defined close to the event. Additional information could be requested at prof. Luigi Schirone (

The procedure to be followed by student to apply for and access to the graduation ceremony and the relevant forms are available below as attachments.