Exam March 13th 2018 - Prof Augusto Nascetti
Fundamentals of electronics
Results of written test
Sapienza ID | Mark | Sapienza ID | Mark |
1825637 | WITHDRAWN | 1825584 | WITHDRAWN |
1821756 | POOR | 1822786 | POOR |
1824336 | POOR | 1822809 | 21/30 |
1823874 | 18/30 | 1826781 | POOR |
1824118 | 23/30 | 1826480 | 20/30 |
1824137 | 15/30 | 1826375 | 23/30 |
1828190 | POOR | 1822810 | POOR |
* In bold: admitted to take the oral examination
The oral exam will be held between March 20th and 23rd. Those who have been admitted to the oral exam please contact the professor to individually arrange the date and time of the test within the allowed interval.
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