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Stages for the second year students of the School of Aerospace Engineering

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The curriculum for students enrolled since academic year 2017/18 includes 6 credits for stages, to be collected during the second year. Students are responsible to fulfil such a mandatory activity, and the easiest way is to choose among the offer proposed by the School and listed in this catalogue.

Students must consider stages whether they are close to end their regular courses or – always during the second year – they do have spare time available from mandatory or elective courses. Students should inform the instructor responsible for stage activities, currently prof. G.Palmerini

within 26 January 2019

Students must communicate their preferences selecting:

1 position offered outside

4 positions offered by School’s Labs

Attach to the Email the Infostud screenshot of the exams given

On 31 January the Board of the School will assign to each students the stage position taking into account preferences, time availability and, in case of stage possibilities in high demand, average of the marks at the exams and marks of the exams significant for the specific activity.

The following list includes the stages offered up to the current date, partitioned in three sections according to their characteristics (activities to be performed at the School’s labs, activities in industries or research centers in Rome or vicinity, and activities far from Rome (last option would be better considered for longer periods, probably in a thesis’ perspective). For every stage there will be a tutor (the professor responsible of the lab for the in-house possibilities, a professional profile from the industry or research center for the external activities).

The stage is a self-standing activity, mandatory part of the curriculum, and it will end at the completion of a number of working hours in the order of the due amount (150) with the approval of the relevant tutor. The tutor will fill and sign a form, and the School will grant the 6 credits including them in the student’s profile on Infostud. It is possible that – upon appreciation of both parties (student and tutor) the activity could be pursued as a thesis: however, there will be a formal assignment of this dissertation work, different and separated from the award of the stage’s credits.

Section I. Stages offered at the School Labs, via Salaria 831, Rome

Positions offered up-to-date 66, still available 63

Section II. Stages offered at industries in Rome area

Positions offered up-to-date 8, still available 4

Section III. Stages offered abroad (Italy and Europe)

Positions offered up-to-date 4, still available 4

For further information download pdf complete

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