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ENI AWARD 2023 Young Researcher of the Year Prize OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT

The Young Researcher of the Year Prize constitutes one of the six sections of the Eni Award, composed by the Energy Frontiers, Advanced Environmental Solutions, Energy Transition and the Debut in Research: Young Talents from Africa Prizes, together with the Recognition at Innovation Eni.
The purpose of the Young Researcher of the Year Prize is to help new generations of researchers to emerge, supporting their researches and innovations on the various scientific topics promoted by the Eni Award.
The Prizes are awarded to two Ph.D. research theses, defended in Italian universities, addressing the following topics: development of a sustainable and resilient nature within a continuously changing climate scenario, through the enhancement of nature-based solutions, and the preservation and restoration of natural capital, in order to accelerate the transition towards circular economy, bio-economy and environmentally sustainable business models, accordingly with the “One Health - Planetary Health” perspective; renewable energy and energy storage; new H2 production technologies (blue, green and turquoise H2); capture, utilization and sequestration of carbon dioxide as well as energy efficiency as a bridge to the decarbonization of the energy system. The theses must have been defended at an Italian university during the same year of the annual Official Announcement, or in the precedent year.
The Prize is awarded to students born in or after the year 1990.
Each of the two winners will be awarded with a prize consisting in a specially struck gold medal of the Italian State Mint and the sum of €25,000 (Twenty-five thousand Euros).
The Prize will be assigned to the winning candidates, proclaimed by the Organizing Committee within June 2023.
An Official Prize-Giving Ceremony will be held in Italy during the second semester of the year following the publication of the Official Announcement. Eni will grant hospitality for winners participating to the Ceremony plus a maximum of one accompanying person. Hospitality will include travel tickets and transfers to reach the Prize-Giving Ceremony location, board and lodging expenses during the period of the Ceremony up to 2 overnight stays...
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